RRB ALP| General Intelligence
General Intelligence 1. 729: 3:: 64: __? __ a) -686 b) 686 c) 1 d) 2 2. Iron: anaemia::Sleep: __? __ a) Somnambulism b) Dreams c) Insomnia d) Nightmare Direction (3-4): Choose the odd numeral pair/group in each of the following questions: 3. a) 18-36 b) 15-25 c) 25-54 d) 27-81 4. a) Evil: Good b) Lie: Truth c) Abstract: Concrete d) Sound: Light Direction (5-6): Complete the series 5. 64 128 92 220 148 404 ? a) 332 b) 296 c) 276 d) 260 6. 5 6 16 57 ? 1245 7506 a) 6 b) 16 c) 57 d) 248 7. If OUGHT is coded as ABCDE in a certain language. How can TOUGH be coded in the same language? a) ABCDE b) BCDEA c) CDEAB d) EABCD 8. If BITER is coded as KLMNO in a certain language. How can TRIBE be coded in the same language? a) MOLNK b) MOLKN c) MOKLN d) MOKNL 9. Pointing to a man in the Photograph Kabir said, ‘His son’s...